The Hearts Company Computer Room Initiative Transforms a Cambodian Village
Our volunteer hard at work laying down brick by brick, on of the first stages of our computer room.
Volunteers Join Forces to Make an Impact:
The Hearts Company is so excited to share that our most recent group trip have hit the ground!! We’ve had 9 eager volunteers land in Siem Reap Cambodia this past week for the sole purpose of bringing our Dream School a brand new computer room. With the support of our generous donors and donations from our volunteers, we have been able to transform a once empty space into a hub of knowledge.
Beyond the bricks and the mortar, the computer room symbolizes a new chapter in this school’s story. This new computer room will allow our students to take their education to the next level by bringing them access to global knowledge, online resources, and be a stepping stone to new skillsets that will help them grow in their work life. It will provide this small village with a new window to the world and help them grow past their boundaries.
Our principal Chhaiky Theourm proudly shows off her new computer room for her students.
Our volunteers have been working endlessly to make this project happen, and it wouldn’t be possible without their hard work. With a foundation made of love, this new room has no choice but to flourish for this small school. Our volunteers are the perfect example of what is possible when we come together to make a difference. We cant wait to share the final product with you guys, stay tuned!!! We would also like to give an endless thanks to all of our donors over the last year, this project would not have been possible with out your support.